Lider al comunitatii baptiste, recunoscut pe plan national si international, Petru Dugulescu, fondator si presedinte al Asociatiei Evanghelistice si de Caritate „Isus Speranta Romaniei”, a trecut la Domnul in data de 3 ianuarie 2008. Vestea plecarii lui in vesnicie a socat crestinii de pe intreg mapamondul. Un mare om al lui Dumnezeu a ajuns sa-L intalneasca pe Creatorul sau...parca prea devreme insa...

Petru Dugulescu s-a nascut in data de 18 noiembrie 1945 la Chelmac, judetul Arad intr-o familie de credinciosi evanghelici care si-a crescut cu greutate odraslele. „Patru Pocaitul” cum era stigmatizat in vremea copilarie, a incercat sa fuga de Dumnezeu, dar pe cand a implinit 20 de ani, Mantuitorul Isus s-a apropiat de el si i-a schimbat viata pentru totdeauna. Devenind pastor si evanghelist, el s-a dedicat pentru largirea Imparatiei lui Dumnezeu. S-a casatorit cu Marioara in anul 1969 si a fost binecuvantat cu 4 copii: Ligia, Cristina, Cristian si Eunice. S-a bucurat si uneori s-a mahnit si pentru nepotii lui dragi: Marcurs, Andra, Jacqueline, Lucas si Iustin.

A fost pastor baptist in regimul comunist. A slujit la Biserica Baptista din Hateg intre anii 1974-1986, iar din data de 1 martie 1986 pana in anul 2002 a fost pastor la Biserica Baptista Betel din Timisoara. Din anul 2004 a inceput lucrarea misionara in zona Calea Sagului, unde a deschis Biserica Baptista Eclesia.

A fost apreciat ca fiind un luptator al Revolutiei, un erou al libertatii si in decembrie 1989 a rostit impreuna cu multimea adunata in fata Operei rugaciunea Tatal Nostru, fiind recunoscut ca un lider spiritual.

Din dragostea sa pentru persoanele aflate in nevoie, Petru Dugulescu a infiintat Asociatia Evanghelistica si de Caritate „Isus Speranta Romaniei”. Credinta si dragostea pentru oameni l-au motivat sa caute resurse pentru sustinerea proiectelor asociatiei. A strabatut mii de kilometri pentru raspandirea evangheliei si a sustinut financiar misionari in intreaga tara. Copiii orfani i-au fost aproape de suflet si au facut parte din viata lui, astfel ca in anul 1992 a infiintat Casa Fratii lui Onisim, care de curand a implinit 15 ani. Tot „tata Dugu”, cum spun baietii de la Onisim, a deschis „Casa Betania”, un azil pentru batrani si fete handicapate la Hateg, asigurand de asemenea hrana zilnica, „Mana”, pentru 40 de batrani din Timisoara.

Tot el a fost fondatorul liceelor crestine penticosal si baptist din Timisoara, dar si a actiunii „Marsul Invierii”, manifestare cu caracter religios, recunoscuta pe plan national si international pentru spiritul crestin si ecumenic. Anual organiza Craciunul orfanilor si Pastele orfanilor, in cea de-a doua zi a Nasterii Mantuitorului si a Praznicului Invierii.

Petru Dugulescu a fost primul pastor baptist care a fost ales in Parlamentul Romaniei in calitate de deputat pentru doua mandate consecutive, incepand cu anul 1992 pana in anul 2000. El a cautat sa-L faca cunoscut pe Dumnezeu cat mai mult, fiind fondatorul Grupului de Rugaciune din Parlamentul Romaniei.

O parte din experientele sale traite in timpul slujirii de pastor se regasesc in cele doua volume autobiografice, Ei mi-au programat moartea” si „Democratie si persecutie”. Incercand sa defineasca propria slujire pentru Dumnezeu, Petru Dugulescu si-a asternut gandurile pe hartie, in minunatele volume de poezii Calatorii enigmatici” si Apus de Mileniu”. Scrierile sale traspun in cuvinte credinta, dragostea si devotiunea pentru Dumnezeu.

In timpul anilor de slujire pastorala si sociala a fost laureat cu o serie de premii nationale si internationale, printre cele mai importante fiind titlul de “Ambasador al Pacii” oferit de Interreligious and International Peace Council, laureat cu premiul “Freedom Fighter Award” (“Luptator pentru libertate”) de American Freedom Festival, declarat cetatean de onoare in 4 state americane, recent numele sau fiind inclus in Enciclopedia Personalitatilor din Romania.

In ultime zile din viata sa, a fost extrem de preocupat de proiectele in care era implicat. A semnat un contract cu o casa de productie din SUA pentru realizarea unui film, ecranizare a volumelor „Ei mi-au programat moartea”, si „Democratie si persecutie”, care urma sa fie lansat in 2009. A fost si foarte mahnit din cauza articolelor aparute in presa in ultima perioada. S-a rugat pentru dusmanii lui carora le-ar spune din nou, ceea ce a asternut pe hartie in poezia „Dusmanilor mei”, publicata in volumul de versuri „Calatorii enigmatici”

















Leader of the Baptist community, well known and recognized both nationally and internationally, Peter Dugulescu, founder and president of the Evangelistic and Charitable Association “Jesus the Hope of Romania” went with the Lord on the 3rd of January 2008. The news of his departure has shocked Christians all around the world. A great man of God arrived home to meet his Creator. A little too soon.

Peter Dugulescu was born on the 18th of November 1945 in Chelmac, Arad county, in a family of evangelic Christians that raised their children with great difficulty. “Peter the Baptist” as he was stigmatized during his childhood, tried to run away from God, but by the time he was 20 the Savior Jesus Christ got close to him and changed his life forever. Becoming a pastor and evangelist, he dedicated himself to enlarging God’s kingdom. He married Marioara in 1969 and was blessed with 4 children: Ligia, Cristina, Cristian and Eunice. He felt joy and sometimes sadness close to his dear nephews: Marcus, Andra, Jaqueline, Lucas and Justin.

He served as a Baptist pastor in the communist regime. His first services as a pastor were held at the Baptist Church in Hateg in the years 1974-1986 and starting with the 1st of March 1986 until 2002 he was a pastor at the Bethel Baptist Church in Timisoara. In the year 2004 he started the missionary work in Calea Sagului, where he opened the gates to the Baptist Church Ecclesia.

He was appreciated as a fighter of the Revolution, a hero of freedom and on December 1989 he prayed with Our Heavenly Father, together with the crowd that was gathered in front of the Opera House, being recognized as a true spiritual leader.

For his love of people who were in need, Peter Dugulescu founded the Evangelistic and Charitable Association „Jesus the Hope of Romania”. The faith and love he had for the people motivated him to keep looking for financial resources to support the projects of the association. He went on for thousands of kilometers in order to spread the news of the Bible and he supported financially missionaries in the whole country. The orphan children have been close to his heart and a big part of his life, as in 1992 he founded Onesimus Brothers House that has soon celebrated 15 years of existence. Also, „daddy Dugu”, as the Onesimus boys call him, opened Bethany House, a house for old people and handicapped girls in Hateg, also insuring the daily manna through a meals-on-wheels program, Manna, for over 40 elders in Timisoara.

Peter Dugulescu was the founder of the Christian Pentecostal and Baptist Highschool in Timisoara. Each year. The „Ressurection March” was a dear project to him that he started, a religious manifestation, well known nationally and internationally for the christian and ecumenic spirit. Each year he organized the Orphan’s Christmas and Orphans Easter, on the second day of the Savior’s Birth and on the Wake of Ressurection.

Petru Dugulescu was the first Baptist pastor that was elected as a Member of the Romanian Parliament for two consecutive mandates, starting with the year 1992 until 2000. He tried to make God known as much as he could, being the founder of the Romanian National Prayer Group and Breakfast.

A part of his life experiences during his serving years as a pastor are found in his two autobiographical volumes, They scheduled my death (Repenters) and Democracy and persecution. As he was trying to define his own serving in front of God, Peter Dugulescu laid his thoughts on paper and those were transposed in the wonderful volumes of poetry Enigmatic travelers and Millennium sunset. All his writings express in words his faith, love and devotion for God.

During the years of pastoral and social serving he was awarded many national and international awards, the most important being the title Ambassador of Peace awarded by the Interreligious and International Peace Council, he was a laureate of the “Freedom Fighter Award”, declared a citizen of honor in 4 American states and his name recently appeared in the Encyclopedia of Romanian Personalities.

In the last days of his life he was very preoccupied with the projects that he was involved in. He signed a contract with a movie production company in the US for making a movie after his book They scheduled my death (Repenters) that was to be released in 2009. He was also very sad because of the articles that had appeared in the press lately. He prayed for the people who wanted him harmed and to whom he would say again what he wrote in the poem “To my enemies”, published in the poetry book Enigmatic travelers.

„My enemies, my enemies

You who hated me without no reason

And made my years so filled with hardships,

My bitter foes,

This is what I wish for you:


And even if you were to take my life

I would not curse you!

Dying I would bless you!

As I am passing in the After life,

But you?

My bitter foes,

I now forgive you

And wish for you:


sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2008

Memories and thoughts . . .

A way through which those who loved him, who knew him and were close to him, for those who were touched by his presence and kindness can express their thoughts and feelings, their love and regret.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Draga Petrica

Ai plecat dintre noi, asa cum ai trait si cum te-am cunoscut. Mereu grabit. Mereu gata de drum. Telefonul tau, de undeva de prin America, mi-a deschis intotdeauna usa inimii si a bisericii pe care o pastoresc. Nu puteam rezista niciodata cauzelor nobile cu care veneai. N-ai venit niciodata pentru tine. Daca n-ai venit sa-i prezinti pe altii, cum a fost Ioan Alexandru, atunci ai venit pentru copiii strazii din Timisoara, pentru "Fratii lui Onisim," pentru "Christos, Speranta Romaniei".
Nu puteam sa nu te iubim, nu doar pentru poezia ta, pentru optimismul tau, pentru pasiunea pe care o puneai in predicarea Cuvantului, ci pentru ceea ce erai: o bucurie personificata. O credinta mare. Te iubeam pentru ca intotdeauna aveai cuvinte de apreciere si incurajare pentru mine si scrierile mele.
Nu ti-am onorat doua invitatii de a predica la Marsul Invierii din Timisoara. Azi regret mai mult ca oricand. Eram prea ocupat si prea sarac. Promit acum solemn sa nu te mai dezamagesc. Ne vedem la Marsul Invierii! Vom bate cadenta impreuna in uriasa coloana a celor mantuiti sub flamurile nemuritorului nostru Domn si Mantuitor, Isus Christos, Cel viu in vecii vecilor! La revedere, Petrica! Ne vom vedea la Marsul Invierii!

Petrica Lascau - Phoenix, Arizona

Gradina Eden spunea... promoveaza o invatatura care arata drumul inapoi in binecuvantarea gradinii Eden, drum pe care Hristos prin jertfa Lui l-a facut posibil pentru noi, luand asupra Lui pacatul, boala si blestemul.

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